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Sunset Drive-In Movie Theater Review | San Luis Obispo

Posted by San Luis Obispo Mom on Tuesday, August 6, 2024 Under: Movies
Sunset Drive In Movie Theater San Luis Obispo Picture

One of my favorite ways to watch a movie is going to the Sunset Movie Drive-In Theater in San Luis Obispo for some outdoor movie watching.

It's a great alternative way to watch the latest movie instead of sitting in an indoor stuffy room. Don't get me wrong, I still go to the indoor movie theaters as they have more options for the latest movie selections than the outdoor drive-in theater experience. However, going to this local drive-in reminds me of camping a bit and I love it!

When we go to the Sunset Drive-In, for one price, we get to watch the two movies that are showing for that night. Therefore, it is a much better deal if you don't not having the option to pick which two movies they are. Every week, there is a new schedule so you'll have to go on their website to see the latest line up.

The showings are late at night because you can't see anything on the screen until it is dark, which makes sense. Like many other traditional drive-ins, what I really love about going to the Sunset Drive-In is that I'm allowed to bring my own food and drinks and watch the movies in the comfort of my car. Like, I could bring Chinese take out and not worry about strangers smelling it!

I highly recommend coming to the drive-in if you have fussy kids who can not keep still in a regular indoor movie theater or even for date nights with someone you're comfortable with spending hours in the car with. I also love the nostalgia value this Sunset Drive-In has, especially when we're watching the concession stand commercials. So, if you want to experience a unique way to watch movies, this is a very classic option.

Many movie drive-ins from around the U.S. have gone out of business so it is a gift that San Luis Obispo still has this one!

What To Bring To an Outdoor Movie Drive In

If you've never been to a drive-in before, here are some tips on what to bring to a movie drive-in:
  • Portable Radio - You don't want to use your car radio to listen to the sound for the movie at the drive-in because you can drain your battery and be left stranded! An old fashion small portable radio is all you need. When I last went to the drive-in, there was no phone app that could provide the right local station to hear the movie so an old fashion portable radio is very much needed.
  • Extra Batteries for Radio - If it's been awhile that you've used that portable radio, bring extra batteries so that you can swap out old batteries when you need to. 
  • Bring Cash! Sunset Drive-In in SLO only accepts cash as payment for tickets and at their lobby store. If you don't have cash to buy tickets, you may be holding up the line as you enter and not be able to watch the movies there. So, go to the local ATM ahead of time to get some cash money.
  • Lawn Chairs - Only bring lawn chairs if you want to sit outside of your car and not inside your car. I always prefer to sit inside of my car but I've seen small groups of people who like to sit in their lawn chairs instead.
  • Blanket and/or Pillow - Sometimes it can be cold inside the car and having a blanket over my legs gives me a lot of comfort. Depending on the angle of your wind shield, having a pillow helps with an awkward neck position and aids in relaxation.
  • Snacks and Drinks - At the Sunset Drive-In Movie Theater, you can bring your own food and drinks. Pack some of the snacks you already have at home to save money and time! The lines at the concession stand can get long. I usually bring my own big bag of chips!

Reading Suggestions:

In : Movies 

Tags: sunset drive in review  san luis obispo outdoor movie  drive ins in california 

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About Me

San Luis Obispo Mom Originally from San Diego, California, I'm a San Diego State University alumna, veteran's wife and mom of two kids who were born two years apart. After living on the East Coast for 6 years, we now reside in San Luis Obispo County and here, the exploration continues.
Intellifluence Trusted Blogger

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To find family-friendly activities in the SLO area, go to the 'Family-Friendly Things To Do' page.

Some of the links are just useful local information that I'm sharing for free and some are commission-based products that may help me earn a small commission for each sale to upkeep with the fees of running this local blog.

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