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HerScan Review and Personal Mammogram Experience

Posted by San Luis Obispo Mom on Thursday, October 5, 2023 Under: Mom Life
HerScan Appointment

HerScan is a breast cancer screening service using ultrasound. I found out about Herscan from a friend who is an RN and decided to book an appointment.

I had just turned 40 and my nurse practitioner left the medical office that I had been going to for the past couple of years. This is the 3rd nurse practioner in the past 4 years who have left the area. Instead of waiting around or calling around to schedule a check up that might take months for an availability, I figured I'd go ahead and schedule this breast ultrasound myself for $285 at HerScan (might cost more over time) . They were coming to Goleta (Santa Barbara area) and I didn't mind making that 1.5 hour drive for peace of mind. It also gave me an opportunity to have a "me" day and find a nice lunch spot somewhere close by.

HerScan does not take health insurance, which is something to consider. I've never had a mammogram before but I heard the compression from it is painful and if they notice a lump, they'd have you schedule an ultrasound anyway. I was no where near meeting my deductible and a breast ultrasound normally costs more than a thousand dollars, even with insurance unless you've met your deductible. This is what I heard from a friend. You should check your insurance coverage to make sure what it covers and doesn't cover.

Booking my HerScan Appointment

To book my time with HerScan, I went on the HerScan website and chose the closest location to me, which in this case was Santa Barbara, Goleta to be exact. I saw that they were going to have it at a hotel's meeting room less than a month away. I selected the time I wanted and then was hoping for an email confirmation but did not receive one that day. I figured I did it right because when I went back to the reservation page, the time I had selected was no longer available since I had taken it already.

About a week before my ultrasound date with HerScan, I received a reminder email and then a text as well! I responded to the text that asked me to confirm my time and I replied 'YES'. I was getting excited. A couple of days later, they sent me an update text telling me that they changed the venue from a Hilton Garden Inn to The Leta Santa Barbara Goleta. I was fine with that! The pictures of the new venue looked nice online.

Ultrasound Day

When it was the day of the ultrasound, I dropped my kids off at school and then made a drive to Goleta right away to ensure that I get there on time. I arrived 45 minutes early but I popped into the HerScan room really quickly to tell them I've made it and to make sure that I was at the right place. The technician marked my name from her list and asked me to wait in the lobby. She'd find me when it's my turn. There were a few appointments before mine. I realized I had some digital forms to fill out so I sat down in the lobby and clicked on the link from my text where HerScan sent me to fill out a couple of authorization forms. After I was done with that, I just relaxed in the hotel lobby.

The ultrasound technician called each name out in the lobby. When it was my turn, she realized she had been running 15 minutes behind, which I didn't mind because I didn't have any where I had to be within the next hour. However, she was very sweet about it and apologized to me.

While the lady before me was putting her clothes back on behind the curtains, the technician explained the process and said she could't let me know the results today but that a radiologist would look at my ultrasound and send me my results within 10 business days. I understood and then she asked me to pay. I paid by credit card and when the lady was done dressing, the technician sanitized and cleaned the room. Then, she alerted me minutes later to tell me that the room was ready. I only had to take everything from the waist up off.

She put warm gel on the ultrasound tool and started on my right breast and then to my left. I felt that she spent extra time on the left breast. I hope she didn't find a lump and I remembered that she couldn't discuss her findings or results that day and only a radiologist could have the authority to do that; and that the results would be emailed to me. So, I kept those thoughts to myself as I'm sure she doesn't want to have to repeat herself.

After all of that was done, she stepped out and let me put my clothes back on. When I was done, I said 'thank you' and that was it! It was a very easy and stress free process.

I'm sure HerScan changes the venue periodically but I enjoyed hanging out at The Leta Santa Barbara Goleta, where I had my Breast Ultrasound Screening done by HerScan.

I had lunch at a nearby pho restaurant and took some to-go food home for later. I even stopped in at Macy's on the way home for a quick look before returning home in time to pick my kids up from school. It was a good "me" day.

This blog post was not sponsored by HerScan or The Leta Santa Barbara Goleta Hotel. I'm just writing my review as an awareness to help other females navigate through life and life's hurdles.

Women's Health

Many women are gifted to bear children but this comes at a price where we get our periods regularly and sometimes our hormones are out of whack. There have been many times where I delay a shopping trip just because "Aunt Flo" decided to come and wreak havoc on my insides, causing me pain and discomfort. Luckily, we can now buy Feminine Products online. I didn't have this luxury when I was a teen so that is so nice that we can do this now discreetly without peering eyes at the checkout stands.

2024 Personal Mammogram Experience

A week before my 41st birthday, I got my very first mammogram done! That's correct. I got the Herscan ultrasound done first before my first mammogram because I was nervous about the compressions from mammograms but I've gotten over it by now.

Mammograms for patients who are 40+ are free through health insurance. So, although it took me over 3 months for a mammogram appointment, it was okay as it was covered my Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield. I felt that my experience was fine, but it was definitely not comfortable! The machine does do these intense compressions but if you've ever breastfed like I did for over 4 years between two of my kids, I felt like the tugging and pressing from the machine were not that big of a deal compared to breastfeeding for years and years, and mastitis! I got my results within a day and it came back normal. Yay!

Reading Suggestions:

In : Mom Life 

Tags: herscan review  breast cancer awareness  ultrasound for breast cancer  cheap breast ultrasound  the leta hotel review  leta santa barbara pictures  the leta goleta 

About Me

San Luis Obispo Mom Originally from San Diego, California, I'm a San Diego State University alumna, veteran's wife and mom of two kids who were born two years apart. After living on the East Coast for 6 years, we now reside in San Luis Obispo County and here, the exploration continues.
Intellifluence Trusted Blogger

All photos (except for ads) on including: homepage, 'Family-Friendly Things to do' page, 'SLO Restaurants' page,'Mom Groups & Childcare' page, and 'blog' page were taken by me so they are my original content and belong to this blog/website.

To find family-friendly activities in the SLO area, go to the 'Family-Friendly Things To Do' page.

Some of the links are just useful local information that I'm sharing for free and some are commission-based products that may help me earn a small commission for each sale to upkeep with the fees of running this local blog.

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